School lunch lady

NSA 1 Patty at N.B.

School lunch lady

Reasons to join our team!

  1. Conveniently located.

  2. Work hours correspond with the school day.

  3. Weekends, holidays, and summers are off to spend time with family.

  4. Job satisfaction: A chance to make a difference in a child's life.

  5. Great working conditions.

  6. Supportive and friendly work environment.

For more information, check out our open positions at

Join the EUSD school lunch hero team today!

NSA 2 Miyoko from Bernardo

School lunch lady

Our School Lunch Heroes

Kitchen manager with student

Juniper Elementary highlight

Kitchen Manager Dora "Lily" Varela has worked with Nutrition Services department since 2013.

Lily started in 2013 as an NSAI at Del Dios Middle School. Because of her dedication to serving the students, she was promoted quickly within the district to an NSAII at Conway and then to a Manager at Pioneer. She finally moved to Juniper as the manager to share her incredible smile and enthusiasm with those students.

We look forward to many more years with Lily serving delicious and nutritious meals to the Juniper kiddos.

First grader Sebastian says that his favorite food item are the tamales.

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LR Green Staff
Kitchen Manager at Quantum

Quantum Academy Highlight

Kitchen Manager Irma Castellanos has worked with Nutrition Services department since 2013.

Irma started in 2013 as an NSAI Glen View Elementary School. She moved on to Rincon Middle School and finally settled into Quantum Academy as the manager in 2015. She has proudly served Quantum kiddos ever since. Her honorable dedication to always making what the children like is unmatchable. Her heart is enormous for these kiddos, and she serves them daily with a smile and kind words.

Sixth grader Olivia says that the carnitas tacos are her favorite food item offered.

School Food Handler Information

Food safety and sanitation are critical, ongoing processes that require strict procedures and training. This is why we value our partnership with and the training they provide to our staff. School Food Handler, as the leading provider of online education for school nutrition professionals, offers a convenient way for our staff to maintain the highest standards in safety, sanitation, and nutrition services.

In 2015, the USDA mandated ongoing education for all school nutrition professionals through a program called Professional Standards. This comprehensive program was implemented to ensure that all staff who serve food to our nation's youth are appropriately trained to do so, instilling confidence in our operations.

In most states, the Department of Education reviews each school nutrition department every three years. During that review, our professional standards training records must be provided and justified. School Food Handler not only provides the best ongoing education but also tracks our staff's progress and supplies us with reports that efficiently satisfy all state department requests.