Grade 1: Module 2

Coming Soon: Eureka Math² Resources

Other Resources

  1. Dinosaur Train Bridge Builder - add combinations of logs to create a bridge

  2. Math Lines - shoot marbles to make sums of your target number

  3. Jet Ski Addition - Play against your friends online! (1 - 4 players)

  4. Cut It - cut flying asteroids to solve math problems within 10

  5. Galaxy Pals - find and shoot the partner number to make the total

  6. Superhero Subtraction - Answer subtraction problems (3 levels) to find superhero masks

  7. Tug Team Sailboats - Answer subtraction problems while playing with others

  8. Math Racer Addition - find the totals and move your race car, subtracts time for incorrect answers. Choose the numbers you want to practice with

  9. Ten Frame - practice combinations of 10

  10. Num-Tanga Junior - Match numbers to pictures

  11. Math Limbo - Add the sum, then find corresponding numbers to match

  12. Num-Tanga - Match numbers, pictures and number words

  13. Number Rack - Virtual rekenrek for counting, comparing, adding and subtracting